Version 3.0 for Windows 32 now avaialble


MintToReport 3.0 has finally arrived. This version is the Windows 32 bit version (2.0 was a Win32 bit also). For those that are looking for a Windows 64 or macOS version, expect those releases this month also.

What is new in MintToReport 3.0? Here are some other new features:

  • Version 3.0 isn’t an upgrade to MintToReport 2.0. 3.0 has been rewritten from the ground up so I can support multiple OS’s. I’ve learned a lot over the last three years from support email. I think I created a user interface that makes creating simple to complex reports a breeze. No more digging through buried menus to find what you are looking for to create a report. Everything is now right in front of you.
  • MintToReport now actually understands your categories and subcategories allowing me to add four new reports to the software, with more, including charts for each report available right down the road.
  • MintToReport understands what your categories are now, Income, Expense, and Equity making it perfect for creating Income / Expense Reports or Profit and Loss Statements without you having to manipulate all of your current categories on or creating multiple reports to achieve what now can be completed with a few clicks.
  • MintToReport has all the Built in categories and subcategories and matches them every time you import.
  • If you have created new subcategories on, they will show up in our ‘Other’ categories where you can drag and drop them to the correct parent category. Heck, you can even make them a Parent category itself giving you the control how your reports are displayed.
  • With this new format, and using’s Tags you can easily create Profit and loss statements for rental properties you own. Keep track of their deposits in your Equity Type categories. Keep them out of your profit and loss statements Even create tenant move out reports showing what repairs came out of their deposit, all by tagging rents and repairs with their address tag on’s site.
  • We now use a brand new database that is compatible with Windows and Mac. Down the road, if you want to move your software between the two operating systems, no problem. Take your data with you. And there is no additional charge to change to a Mac or Windows.
  • New import routine that no longer has problems with importing files that have long notes from’s export file.
  • New Cross Tab reports giving you the ability to compare your Categories, Payees, Income & Expenses by periods (Quarterly and Annually) over time.
  • More user-friendly features are making it easier to print the reports you are looking for without having to refer to the website for additional help.
  • A built-in online help file that has been designed to view in the software, online or even on your phone. And because it is a live website, there even is a contact page right in the software if you run into questions. Of course, support is always just an email away too, as always, (
  • New DEMO database is now included in 3.0. For new users to or trial customers, some of the built in comparison reports will make no sense to them. Loading the Demo database, which has almost five years of transactions, you will be able to see what your reports might look like in the future if you stick with
  • Added a tip pop up showing you exactly how the report was generated so you can easily learn the filtering system.
  • The Filter by Text has been upgraded to allow filtering by Descriptions, Notes or even the Original Notes (the data given to from your financial agencies). Our help file explains how these can be very useful.
  • Added a new Amount Filter that makes it easy to filter and find transactions within a certain amount.
  • And a whole lot more…

Also, coming in an upcoming release, I am adding printable charts for just about every report you can conceive of in the software. But that is where I can use some help. Let me know the things that you still would like to see and the charts that would make sense to you. I am even considering creating Category budgets and charts in a future version but also need you feedback for that.

So, log into the site and see if your support is still current. If so, this is a free update to you. If your support expired within the lats 90 days, renew it today to get the latest release. You can do it right online by clicking on the Support / Renewal tab after you log in. If your support has passed the 90 day grace period, you will have to purchase the software again, but if you log into your account first, You will see we will even give you a discount on that.

After the next few days, I will be starting the Mac beta testing. If you are interested in being a beta tester, send me an email to my personal email account:

Enjoy MintToReport 3.0 and help spread the word. Without customers, there would be no MintToReport. Thank you for your support!


Robert Griffin